Category Archives: Office Design

  • How To Get Your Home Office Ready For Work

    Posted on April 28, 2021 by HDNEditor in Office Design.

    Not so long ago, homeowners rarely considered how suitable their home is for remote work. After all, working from home was only an occasional commodity. Nobody could have predicted that all of that would change with the COVID-19 pandemic. Nowadays, most of us do our work from home on a daily basis. But is your […]

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  • commercial cleaning experts

    The Dirtiest Places in Your Office According to Experts

    Posted on April 6, 2021 by HDNEditor in Office Design.

    An office is a place where we usually spend half of our waking day. When you start to work at a company, It takes some time to familiarize yourself with the office and to feel comfortable, but when you do, you basically make yourself at home. Over time, your desk begins to reflect your personality […]

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  • Office Windows Clean

    Why You Should Keep Your Office Windows Clean

    Posted on April 6, 2021 by HDNEditor in Office Design.

    If your business has offices where your employees work, or even more crucially, a place where you meet your clients and customers daily, there are a number of things that you need to think about when it comes to presenting yourself and your company. For instance, the décor and appearance of your waiting room/lobby will […]

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  • Ergonomic Chair

    Tips for Choosing an Ergonomic Office Chair

    Posted on October 22, 2019 by HDNEditor in Office Design.

    Most of us won’t have any negative physical effects after just one day of sitting in a bad office chair, but spending that long in a bad chair day after day after day can have a significant cumulative impact on your spine and skeletal structure. Your office desk and chair can be your biggest allies […]

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  • Office Desk

    Simple Guide to Building Your Own Office Desk

    Posted on August 14, 2019 by HDNEditor in Office Design.

    These days, getting a good-quality office desk can cost you a significant sum of money. Well, the good news is that you don’t have to settle for buying a ready-made desk anymore; rather, you can shell out far less cash and build your own. You don’t need to be overwhelmed either; building a simple desk […]

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  • office fitouts

    6 Points to Consider When Installing Office Fitouts

    Posted on February 1, 2017 by Arnold Young in Office Design.

    Employees spend most of their time in office, so it is very important that the office fitouts and layout are aesthetically pleasing and add value to the whole space. The fitouts need to be comfortable and the design plays an important role in making the office more productive. Thus, it is extremely important to make […]

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