• How To Get Your Home Office Ready For Work

    Not so long ago, homeowners rarely considered how suitable their home is for remote work. After all, working from home was only an occasional commodity. Nobody could have predicted that all of that would change with the COVID-19 pandemic. Nowadays, most of us do our work from home on a daily basis. But is your home really suited for remote work?

    If you’ve decided you need to get your home ready for remote work in 2021, we spoke to the experts at Ten Key Remodels to bring you a few ideas on how you can get your home office ready.

    Finish the Work

    A basement usually requires the least investment in terms of home additions. The basement is already there and might only need a few touch-ups to become a fully functional home office. It is also perfect, as it is reclusive enough to give you some space away from any family activities in the home.

    There are certain construction details you need to flesh out to fully finish your basement. These include taking care of any moisture and mold problems and taking care of additional plumbing or lighting. If you plan the layout carefully, the basement has all the potential to be the perfect home office.

    Invest in a Home Addition

    According to Harvard Business School, over 16% of the questioned employees plan to keep working from home even after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides. Others plan to work from home at least a few days a week. And if you think about it, not having to commute to work can be a good thing for your productivity. So it might be a great investment to actually build yourself a home office.

    If your home is not large enough or if you don’t have any available space to convert to an office, consider a home addition. You can design a separate entrance to the room, which can also have double functionality as an entertainment room. Also, consider some high-end features like a fireplace, cabinets and more to give your home office an even brighter flare.

    Light It Up

    If you are working from home, chances are you are going to be doing some conference calls here and there. With that in mind, consider the lighting in your home office as well as what’s behind you as your camera is on. Even if you aren’t conference calling, the right lighting will set the ambiance and increase your productivity. Make sure to get the most out of natural lighting by opening up the windows. Add task and pendant lighting to make up for all the darker corners and you’re good to go.

    Make sure to add something interesting for the backdrop, such as plants or bookcases. Make sure the lighting hits your face to avoid all the shadows.

    Consider a Detached Home Addition

    If you still need a space that’s physically separate from your home, consider a detached addition. Adding a smaller unit in your backyard or using the garage are both great ideas if you need a separate workspace. This combines both the physical convenience of not having to commute and the fact that you have a dedicated space designed to increase your productivity and limit your contact with your family members during your office hours. Make sure detached additions are allowed in your area, as the building codes vary from state to state.

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