• Hints and Tips on How to Ś

    Clean a Range Cooker

    There’s something we can all agree on: cleaning the oven is not the best job, especially if you have a large range cooker! With it being the focal point of your kitchen space, you want to make sure that it is spotless and shining.

    All it takes is a little extra time and elbow grease and in the end, it’ll definitely be worthwhile. Not only will it be hygienic and prevent the smell of burning fatty foods and grease but it’ll also simply look impressive!

    Make sure to read on below for our guide to cleaning your range cooker, written in collaboration with Appliance Depot, one of the leading providers of cheap range cookers. Before you know it, your range cooker will be looking great and performing to its full capacity!

    First things First, the host

    The first zone of a range cooker is the hob. The key way to keep this space clean is by wiping up spillages as soon as they occur, providing that the surface metal is cool, to ensure that the mess doesn’t stick.

    More often than not, you’ll find that soapy water will work brilliantly with most spillages and stains; however, if you are facing a more stubborn stain that needs some more attention, a cream cleaner will work well.

    One thing which is important to point out is that you should not use abrasive materials or scouring pads! These will damage the surface of your range cooker hob, so if you have stubborn, burned-on food which won’t wipe away, try more careful methods, such as a spatula!

    Once you have wiped over the hob, some kitchen towel will soak up any remaining water and leave the surface looking great.

    Next, the Oven

    Sometimes, the oven can seem like a big space to tackle; however, it’s much easier than it appears.

    The shelves can either be placed in the dishwasher or you can wash them by hand with hot and soapy water. If you can try and let the shelves soak a little to loosen stubborn grease, then all you will need to do is wipe them and dry them off.

    All you’ll need to clean the oven walls is some lemon juice or washing up liquid in cold water. Turn the oven on to 100 degrees and then place the water inside and leave it for 15-20 minutes. The water will then steam and loosen any dirt or grease, making it easier to wipe off with a cleaning cloth.

    Then, the oven floor is something that you’ll need to be more careful with. If it is made with enamel, you’ll need to make sure that you use a dedicated enamel cleaner, so make sure to check the manual!

    Cover the burner and oven elements to ensure that they don’t get covered in enamel cleaner and then, when you’re wiping the inside, make sure that you don’t move or damage the seals. Doing this can, in turn, affect the oven’s ability to retain heat and damage its performance.

    Then, the Oven Door

    If your oven door doesn’t have any glass, all you’ll need is some hot, soapy water to get the surface sparkling clean.

    However, if you do have glass to work with, you’ll likely agree that it is important to get it sparkling, simply from an aesthetic point of view! Dirty glass can bring down the look of the rest of the oven, after all.

    Start cleaning the glass with hot, soapy water and a soft cloth. Then, if needed, use a cream cleaner or a scouring pad to get rid of tougher dirt.

    If you steam clean the inside earlier in the cleaning process, you’ll very likely find that it makes cleaning the inside of the house much easier too

    Finally, the External Surface

    Cleaning the surface of your range cooker should feel like the final stretch. Possibly the easiest part, all you’ll need to do is wipe it over to get rid of any dust and spillages. A damp cloth should be enough to do this; however, if the surface is stainless steel, you may want to use a stainless steel cleaner for added shine.

    We hope that the above tips have helped to make the usually laborious process of cleaning your range cooker a breeze!

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