• Allergy Season of 2021 and What You Can Do About It

    Many people would argue that pollen and other airborne allergies are a modern scourge. Each year, they affect more and more people and cause problems ranging from slight inconvenience to life-threatening seizures.

    So, what are allergies to be on the lookout in 2021 and what can you actually do about them? We turned to air quality experts at Howell’s AC for answers to these questions.

    This is their take on the issue. Before the actual list of things to watch over, they insist that the allergy season never really ends, because the dust and the mites are around us year round, so being careful around those sources is paramount.

    Pollen Allergies

    One of the biggest and most annoying groups of airborne allergies are pollen allergies. This minuscule plant matter is active from early spring well into fall. However, thanks to the rise in temperatures, it seems that the seasons when pollen is an issue extend each year.

    The first pollen of the year is often experienced in March, and it comes from trees. That means that you need to be careful around more densely wooded areas, such as parks and forests.

    However, probably the most difficult to avoid is the grass pollen which typically appears later in the springtime and can last well into summer, when weeds also start releasing their pollen. The pollen season typically ends in the fall with plants such as ragweed around the first frost seasons in October or November.

    Pollution Allergies

    If you live in an area where the air is highly polluted, you might develop some allergies or asthma due to the environmental factors.

    Sadly, there is very little you can do about this type of allergens. Simply avoiding the most polluted areas, or the times of the day when the air is at its worst can help alleviate some problems, but not everyone can afford to stay away.

    Your symptoms can be drastically reduced and managed by wearing a mask, as well as with your usual medication. Speaking of medication, make sure that you are always stocked with enough, especially if the weekend or some holiday are coming up and your pharmacy might not be open.

    Home-Related Allergy Problems

    Most people seek refuge from the oppressive allergy sources in their homes. However, not even our homes are completely safe from being full of allergens, particularly if you are not careful about it. Keeping your home clean and dusted is probably the best way you can help yourself if you suffer from allergies.

    Having your air conditioning inspected and your air filters clean and up to date can also make a huge difference, since the AC moves the air through your house and can stir up dust and other allergens.

    Mold can be not only toxic for you but also act as an allergen, because its spores are small enough to escape traditional air filters in your AC. Whatever the case might be, if you have mold, you need to get rid of it for numerous reasons, your health being the biggest one.

    If you live with pets, their hair and skin flakes can also be a big source of allergens. Your pets shed year-round even if you can’t see it, but there are parts of the year when this intensifies and you need to take extra measures, like cutting their hair or brushing them more often.

    There is no doubt that life is much tougher with allergies, but if you follow a few simple rules, you can avoid or minimize allergy-related problems significantly. At least enough to live a normal and comfortable life.

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