• 7 Tips for Sleeping with Pets

    Sleeping with Pets

    What’s the best way to ensure you always get a good night’s sleep? Some people might say it’s to stick to a strict bedtime routine. Others might say it’s to invest in a noise machine or blackout curtains. But, for many people, sleeping with their pet by their side is the key to getting a good night’s sleep. In fact, one study found that over 40% of respondents reported their pets as being either unobtrusive or beneficial to sleep. If you’re one of those people, here are seven tips for sleeping comfortably with your pet. From the use of mattress pads to keep your bed clean to establishing rules about when and where your pet can sleep, following these tips will help you and your pet get a good night’s sleep.

    1) Make Sure Your Pet Is Comfortable

    The first step to sleeping with your pet is ensuring they’re comfortable. If your pet isn’t comfortable, they’re not going to want to sleep in your bed, and you’re not going to get a good night’s sleep. So, start by making sure your bed is a comfortable space for them. If they haven’t previously slept in your bed, it might take them a few nights to get used to it. But, once they’re comfortable, they’ll likely stay in their spot all night.

    2) Establish Some Rules

    If you’re sharing your bed with your pet, it’s important to establish some rules. For example, you’ll need to decide if your pet is allowed on the bed during the day or if they’re only allowed on the bed at night. You’ll also need to determine where your pet is allowed to sleep. For example, if you want them to stay off the pillows, make sure you establish that rule from the start.

    3) Use a Mattress Pad

    If you’re worried about your pet ruining your mattress, invest in a mattress pad. Mattress pads protect your mattress from pet hair, dirt and other messes. They come in a variety of materials, including cotton, wool and latex. In addition to protecting mattresses from pets, pads and toppers can make them more comfortable. This means a better night’s sleep for both you and your pet.

    4) Give Your Pet Their Own Space

    If you’re worried about your pet taking up too much space in your bed or sleeping in random positions, leaving you little to no room, give them their space. This can be done by creating a designated sleeping area for your pet or using a pet bed, favorite blanket or designated pillow. Ensure the area or bed is big enough for your pet to stretch out and move around.

    5) Ensure Your Pet Can Get Down Safely

    If your pet sleeps on a higher surface, such as your bed, make sure they can get down safely. This means creating a safe way for them to get down from the bed, such as using a ramp or set of stairs if they cannot jump down easily. It’s also important to ensure that your pet knows how to use the safe way down and that they’re comfortable with it. This may require some training. But after a few sessions with high reward treats and some positive reinforcement, they’re sure to figure it out.

    6) Keep Your Bedroom Clean and Safe

    A clean and tidy space is important for the safety of your pet. First, ensure your bedroom is free of clutter that could pose a tripping hazard for your pet. Also, keep any cords or wires out of reach, so your pet doesn’t accidentally chew on them. A tidy space will also help you relax and sleep better, knowing that your pet is safe. Also, remember that your favorite bedroom essentials, like decorative pillows with tassels, could pose a choking hazard for your pet, so store them away safely when you’re not using them.

    7) Be Consistent with Your Schedule

    Pets are creatures of habit, so this is important to keep in mind. They won’t know the difference between an early Wednesday wake-up so you can make it to the gym before work and a lazy Sunday lie-in. They’ll also be unable to tell the difference between Friday movie night and an early-to-bed Monday because of a tough day at the office.

    So, as much as possible, it’s important to be consistent with your schedule and routines. This way, your pet will know when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to play. And, they’ll be less likely to disturb you while trying to sleep. However, each pet will be different in this regard, and you may find some are happy to adjust their sleep schedule to suit yours while others do best with a strict routine.

    A Note About Allergies, Germ Exposure and Decreased Sleep Quality

    Not all pets are well-suited to sleeping in your bed for several reasons.

    • Allergies – For people with mild animal allergies, sleeping with your pet may not cause otherwise mild symptoms to flare up. However, it’s best to avoid sleeping with your pet for those with more severe allergies or asthma.
    • Germ Exposure – Pets are exposed to germs regularly. Even if you have a pet that doesn’t go outside, they’re still exposed to germs from daily activities like when a cat uses the litter box. This exposure can increase your risk of getting sick or becoming exposed to other illnesses like ringworm.
    • Decreased Sleep Quality – If you have trouble sleeping, it’s best not to sleep with your pet. This is especially true if you have a large pet, like a saint bernard, who takes up a lot of space or moves around a lot in their sleep. Pets can also disturb your sleep by snoring, kicking or making other noises.

    A great solution or compromise for these situations is to make a space in your room for your pet to have their own bed. This way, they can still be close to you without being in your bed.

    Keep Calm and Snooze On

    Sleeping with your pet may seem like a good idea or a childhood dream come true. Who doesn’t want their best friend by their side at all times? However, adjusting to sleeping with your pet can take time and effort. But, by following these tips, you and your pet can rest easy knowing that everyone is comfortable and safe. Happy snoozing!

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